Work Experiences Adventure Answer some questions below to get a custom Action Plan emailed to you! This email will have all of the steps you need to start your work experience adventure! Your First Name(Required)Email(Required) I want to know more about...(Required)Check the boxes of the work experiences you would like to know more about. Choose at least 1. Part-Time Jobs Job Shadowing Internships Volunteering Apprenticeship Career Mentor Simulated Work Experiences Student Led Enterprises Service Learning Great! When you click the submit button, we will send you some information about the work experiences you chose above. Remember, “Doing your best means never stop trying.” – Benjamin FranklinShare my results!Would you like to share your results with someone else? your teacher, counselor, parent, or friend? Yes - Enter their email address below. No thanks. Email - Share Your Results Enter Email Confirm Email EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ