My Journal: Self-Advocacy Self-Assessment End What are your thoughts about self-advocacy at the end of this training. Did your ideas change? Name(Required) First Email(Required) I am an expert on my disability. I know the name of it and how to describe it.(Required) Not yet. Working on it. Absolutely! I can describe my strengths, needs, and wishes.(Required) Net yet. Working on it. Absolutely! I take part in my IEP meetings and help develop my goals.(Required) Not yet. Working on it. Absolutely! I know how to ask for accommodations when I need them.(Required) Not yet. Working on it. Absolutely! I can speak up politely when I disagree.(Required) Not yet. Working on it. Absolutely! I can talk to my doctor about my health care.(Required) Not yet. Working on it. Absolutely! I'm comfortable talking about myself and know I can share only what I'm comfortable with.(Required) Not yet. Working on it. Absolutely! Share my results!Would you like to share your results with someone else? your teacher, counselor, parent, or friend? Yes - Enter their email address below. No thanks. Email - Share my results... Enter Email Confirm Email PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ