Independent living skills are what you need to take charge of and direct your own life. You need these skills to be successful in your job and in your personal life.
Pick a skill below to find out more and try a challenge!
Good communication skills are important in just about any setting. It doesn’t matter if you’re in an interview, shopping at a store, taking a class, working, or just hanging out with friends, there are some skills you need to have to be successful.
Communication Tips
Communication Challenge!
Ask a teacher for some help in person. If you don’t need help, just talk to a teacher.
- Try asking a question to start the conversation.
- Talk with a trusted adult about this conversation.
- What was difficult for you?
- What was easy?
- What would you do differently next time you have to talk to someone you aren’t necessarily comfortable with?
Time Management
Time Management Tips
Time Management Challenge!
Plan out your week using whatever calendar tool you want. You can use your phone, a paper calendar, or make your own.
Include all the things you have to do, time for fun, tasks you want to accomplish, and rest. Show it to a trusted adult and talk about what you learned from doing this challenge.
Managing Your Money
If you haven’t earned and spent your own money before, now’s the time to start! Wouldn’t it be great to have your own money to pay your bills, save, and treat yourself to something without having to ask someone else for money?
Here are some of the basics of managing your money. You can read more about managing your money in the resource section.
Money Tips
Money Challenge!
Make a list of things you need to buy every week versus things you want. Choose 1 thing you want versus need. Instead of buying the thing you want, save that money instead.
Write down what you might save up to do with that money. How does saving make you feel? Talk with someone you trust about your savings goals and ideas.
Getting Around
Getting Around Tips
Getting Around Challenge!
Try out a new way of getting to where you want go. Consider the options above or one that is not included (flying?). Make sure to ask for advice from your family, teacher, or counselor.
Keeping It Clean!
Keeping It Clean Tips
Keeping It Clean Challenge!
Go shopping in your closet for an outfit you could wear to an interview or to work. Discuss the outfit with a trusted adult. Are there things you need to buy to complete your look? Figure out where you’ll shop and what your budget is.
Finding a Job
Job Search Tips
Job Search Challenge!
Do some research and find a few local places that are hiring. Talk with a trusted adult about what kinds of skills you might need to do that job. What challenges might you face if you were to get hired for a job?
Community Resources
Ways to explore your community resources...
Community Resource Challenge!
Check out one local resource in your community. What kind of resource is it and how could it benefit you? Talk with a trusted adult about what you learned and how you might use that resource in the future.